Ukumba Gold Reverse helix washplants
The Ukumba Reverse Helix Trommel is a sophisticated piece of gold concentrating equipment. The Reverse Helix Trommel is a cylinder lined with spirals on the inside, which concentrates and transports the gold and heavier materials towards the back of the unit. These heavier materials drop onto a chute underneath the Trommel system and is transferred over your first stage sluice section. This section is referred to as your upgraded concentrates.
front end of the trommel will supply your tailings onto your secondary section
of the sluice box for further concentrate processing. Any ultra-fines not recovered
in your first stage sluice section, will be recovered in the secondary part of
your sluice. See it as a policing system for your fines, making sure every
piece of gold is caught.
- Integrated Clay Breakup Hammers & Scrubbing
- Adjustable Tilt for Material Refining
- Water Pressure Control Box to regulate water pressure at all valve points
- Start/Stop Control Panel
- Large Sluice Box with seperate section for concentrates and tailings
- Hydraulic Riffle System
- Discharge Chute for Oversized Material
- 5.5kW Moto Gearbox